Discovering Your True Purpose & Transforming Your Life Through Consciousness & Intention

Credit: Unsplash (Daniel Beilinson)
Credit: Unsplash (Daniel Beilinson)


WOW! 2015’s off to a very enlightening start. Happy New Year to you all!

I’ve been managing my energy in new ways, committing to the things that matter, spending less time doing the things that don’t, and really getting clear on my intentions (not goals) and the feelings I want to bring in a big way  – though logging unnecessary time on Facebook, and getting to bed before 10PM still seem to be a couple hurdles I’m committing to overcoming.

I’m pumped to dive into today’s topic because it really served me in a profound way when I was caught up in this idea that I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be doing – I wasn’t “living my purpose.”



“I don’t know what the f*ck I want to do with my life,” thought nearly everyone at some point.

“I have no clue what my purpose for being here is.”

This might confuse the crap out of you for a hot minute, but I’m certain you’ll begin to understand it by the end of our engagement: “It is in being you and doing you that you are living your purpose.”

I repeat. It is in BEING YOU and DOING WHAT YOU DO that you are living your purpose.

Kind of a head-scratcher right? It was for me too, but I’ll break it down for ya.

What you are doing right now, in this very moment, is living your purpose, and moments from now, what you will be doing is living your purpose. Now, you may be thinking “So what you’re telling me is that as I’m sitting here reading this, and it’s quite possible that I’ve reached my one of my lowest lows, and I basically feel like I’m doing jack-sh*t and just kinda going through the motions, I’m currently living my purpose,” and my response would be “In essence, yes.”

Purpose has become the proverbial carrot, on the end of the stick – always just out of reach. And it’s not so much the carrot that we crave, but what it represents – a sense of meaning and validation. In our quest for our all-mighty purpose, we believe or begin to believe that until we’ve found it – this magical, hidden treasure, buried in the thick of Life – we are incomplete and our lives have no real meaning. This is FALSE.

Do not get it twisted. One can certainly aspire to realize their deepest and their most potent and purposeful PASSIONS – saving lives, transforming lives, bettering lives, positively-impacting the planet – but it is my belief that in being and doing you, you are living your purpose.

Pause – – – Really think about that for a second…

Word on the street is that living your purpose is essentially engaging in an action and/or series of actions that possess meaning and significance, and create impact (and who doesn’t love meaning and significance and impact).

If this is true, then in your every action you are living your purpose – that is – you are creating an action or series of actions that possess meaning and significance, and create impact – whether or not you consider your action(s) meaningful, significant or impactful. For example, that time you received an award for being bad ass and doing that thing that you do so well. Yep! You were living your purpose. Or, that time you slept in, got toothpaste on your shirt, and ended up being over an hour late for work. Again, living your purpose.

Seriously though. A simple interaction with a cashier at a local business not only affects you, but it also affects the cashier and the cashier’s being and doing (intentions/actions), which then affects the being and doing of those who the cashier engages with. Even my writing this post might affect a reader in some way that will create insight and potentially inspire them to think and act in some particular way.

Crazy if you think about it. You’re one powerful motha-SHUT-YO-MOUTH!

Whether you are simply going through the motions, or moving through life with intention, you are significant, your being here has meaning, and your actions affect and impact your surroundings.

In this busy, bustling, and booming time, where everyone is clamouring to be seen and heard and validated, it can become very easy to discredit some of the simple things we do, and how they affect the universe on a grand scale. The mosquito, the bottom-feeding fish, the glutton, the “nobody” are all living their purpose, and they are all significant, because their actions possess meaning and significance, and create impact. Whether sucking blood, eating the feces and waste of the feces and waste, consuming junk food and junk television, or going through the motions with no idea what the f*ck it is you’re even doing here, you’re presently living your purpose.

“So what now!?”

Two words, three syllables each, and INFINITE POWER & POTENTIAL.



When you do what you do, don’t just do it to do it. MEAN IT. INTEND IT. That is conciousness and intention. No more going through the motions. Don’t just DO Life, BE Life. Two of the most powerful ways I’ve been able to embody such values is through applying the following practiciples (practical practices and principles) to my life:

Practiciple 1: “It is in the breath that I connect to All That Is.” Close your eyes right now and inhale and exhale slowly and deeply, and then slowly open your eyes. Notice how you feel… Still and in the here and now. That’s presence, and that presence grounds you and connects you, and it’s that connection to HERE and NOW – this moment –  that invites consciousness and intention.

Practiciple 2: “Why will guide you through your depths and into that which you are seeking.” For the next 24 hours, starting right now, I want you to ask yourself “Why” – “Why am I signing onto Facebook,” or “Why am I eating or drinking this,” or “Why am I engaging in this activity,” or “Why am I feeling the way I’m feeling?” The more “Why’s”, the deeper your journey. Be gentle with yourself during this process, and feel free to take some time to pause if you become far too overwhelmed. The intention isn’t to drain you, it’s to help you become more conscious of your actions and intentions. It may seem silly at first, but I guarantee it’ll change you if you purposefully apply it.

Now, if it’s your passion(s) you seek (which I find is often mistaken with purpose), that’s a conversation I’d be happy to dive into and help you gain clarity around.

In fact, we’ll take a look at that in an upcoming post, and I’ll tell you how I discovered mine and help you discover yours.


With Love, Light, & Liberation,



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Connect with me on Twitter: @MrRenoWinston

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Giving Myself Permission To Rest, Relax, and Rejuvenate

It’s winter here, and I’m in rejuvenation mode.

Sleeping. Snacking. Juicing. Communing. Connecting. Relaxing. Reflecting.

There’s much to share, but, for now, I must take care… of myself.

Somehow, I’ve still managed to connect with those in need, and fill them up with some of what I have left, but now I must refill.

Moderation baby. Moderation.

I will return in a week or two, but I felt it necessary to keep you all in the loop, because my relationship with you is important to me.

I love you all, and I wish you all a happy holiday.

I will leave you with something I recently shared with the world, in hopes that we might all have a more conscious Christmas:

We Are Living On This Planet

Question: What favours are we doing the youth and our children by teaching them to value consumerism over consciousness? Where’s the lesson in going broke for Christmas presents, so that you can keep up with “tradition” and “The Jones’s”? Why do you HAVE to buy Christmas gifts? Why do you HAVE to be broke, stressed, and up to your ears in debt come January? I don’t believe you do.

Ask yourself where these ideas and beliefs about what Christmas come from…

We lead by example, and people are watching – our children and our youth are watching – and it’s likely they will follow suit. I know we have the best intentions, but intentions are nothing without actions that support them.

This year, give the gift of consciousness.

With Love, Light, and Liberation,

Your friend, your brother, your soul sibling – Reno


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Back To Basics – How I Misplaced My Bliss, & How I Can Help You (Re)Discover Yours

Credit: Unsplash

When you’re in the business of looking and feeling good, there’s a sort of looming anxiety that occurs when you begin to disembody the very essence you propagate – when you suddenly cease to practice that which you preach.

“Who am I to suggest this to others?”

“Am I a fraud if…?”

And, to add insult to injury, you slowly begin to “lose touch” (not to be mistaken with sight, because it’s staring you right in the face) – with yourself and with this experience called Life, and with All That Is.

“If I’ve stopped doing what I do, am I who I am? Who am I?”

This is a beautiful place to be, and these are beautiful questions to be asking.

The recognition of your sudden disconnection from that which fertilizes the crop that is your soul – practice – is a sign that there is no disconnection. This recognition signifies a call for clarity, a journey home, and a return to basics.

“In order to be more of who you were, you need to do what you did.”

Daily practice was and is and will be an integral part of my life – a part of my life that, when consistently honoured and applied, allows me to fully show up. It’s the difference between a shitty day and an amazing one. It’s the difference between me locking my fucking keys in the house, and me consciously flowing through my daily tasks. The catch though is that when I’m honouring and applying these daily practices, it becomes such a natural thing that life can creep up and convince you that one or two or more days missed will not make a difference in your life. Suddenly you’ve fallen off the proverbial wagon… I had done just that.

“There was this love and light and energy that I emanated, and it spilled over into everyone and everything I came into contact with. What if I never experience that again?”

I took a good look around, a good look inward, and, a few insightful conversations later, it had become crystal clear that it had little to do with who I was with or where I was. Not to say that it was completely gone, but somewhere along the way I had let go of the practices that allowed me to experience and embody and exude the love and light and energy that spilled over into everyone and everything I came into contact with – exercise, meditation, prayer, creation, deep conversation, self-inquiry, contemplation, reflection, visualization, service, fellowship. I was still able to conduct myself in such a way that allowed me to be of service to others – those who can’t do teach – but it wasn’t the same. I wasn’t the same. I wasn’t the version of me that I aspired to be – my best version of me.

BOOM! That was it. The daily practice returned like it was going out of style, and the love and light and energy that I emanated and that spilled over into everyone and everything I came into contact with returned with a vengeance. I experienced life from the inside-out. I connected with people from the inside-out. I felt music from the inside-out. I witnessed nature from the inside out. I connected with All That Is from the the inside-out.

Simple, yet not. Profound, yet obvious. 3 words.

Back. To. Basics.

Where are you feeling out of alignment? Can you recall a time where you felt in alignment and in flow? What were YOU doing? Who were YOU being? From experience, I recognize that it’s natural to contribute feelings to circumstances, experiences, and individuals, but the truth is that those feelings could not exist if they were not already present within you, no matter how deep. Your bliss does not lie in the hands of others. Your bliss is found within – a by-product of the soul. It’s that describably-indescribable space that is the link between the Human Experience and the soul. Bliss is like a a seed – you must feed it and water it and nurture it and love it until it blossoms into a full-grown, and when it does, you must continue to feed it and water it and nurture it and love it, as you would pet, or a plant, or a child – your inner child.

What daily practices are you committed to honouring in the name of self-love and bliss? They work if you work ’em! 😉

With Love, Light, and Liberation,

Your New Year’s Revolution Starts Now!

Credit: Unsplash
Credit: Unsplash


In my life I’ve met people from all walks. Healers, drug addicts, musicians, professors, escorts, social workers, and the list goes on. I’ve moved from ghettos to government housing to small-town homes only blocks from a lake. I’ve attended about a handful of different schools, which meant I had to get really good at making new friends, adjusting to new settings, and understanding how people and environments operate and function.

Cut to adulthood and “social intelligence” is my number one strength according to a strengths test I recently took; this came as no surprise, all things considered. When I was young, people used to tell me I was too smart for my own good, or I knew too much for my own good; I imagine they meant to protect me. Turns out the one thing I was criticized for as a young boy would be the quality that would allow me to survive the constant changes in my life, and shape my life’s mission and purpose.

Funny how that happens eh. 😉

As a result, I’ve gotten really good at receiving people and environments in an empathetic and deeply intuitive way. I experience the energy of their being and their surroundings in a way that I’ve come to discover not everyone does. This has lead to some profound lessons about how we tend to get on in this world; a lesson validated by the many other’s who’ve expressed similar insight…

The way we live in one area of our lives is going to affect how we live in other areas of our lives.

If you let one area of your life go to shit, the others will suffer as a result. The way you treat your surroundings – people, places, things – is often a reflection of how you measure your self-value.

It’s not uncommon that things looks shiny and perfect on the surface or from the outside, but the inside reflects the opposite – sometimes the outside does match the inside, or it eventually will. Your yard is a picture of perfection, but the house is a mess. Your car is sparkling, but the inside looks as if you’ve been living in it. How does this reflect you as a being?

The food we put into our bodies, the content we view, the people we associate with, the places we spend time, the way we treat our possessions, the way our homes are kept; all these things are reflections of our values.

Did you make your bed this morning? Are your clothes folded? Are your living areas tidy? Is your vehicle clean? Have you had a healthy meal? Did you take time to meditate or relax? Have you exercised?

I’m not perfect. Even as I write this, I’ve got a room to clean and clothes to put away, so I’ve made today a “me” day. I expect that every once in a while I may fall behind, but it has become less and less as I’ve began to realize everything I’ve just shared, and I make a conscious effort to stay on top of things in order to optimize my life.

What’s one thing you can do NOW, TODAY, that would help you move forward in creating a life that reflects your desired lifestyle and your best self? Share in the comments below, and let’s make that happen!

“How you do anything is how you do everything.” – T. Harv Eker


With Love & Light,

When It Rains, It Pours – How To Escape The Negative, Attract The Positive, & Flourish


Alone But Not Alone


“When it rains, it pours.” – Ain’t that the truth.

Not sure who coined the phrase, but there’s significant depth and truth to this statement.

It seems the day you sleep in ends up being the day that you’re forced to take a cold shower, you burn your breakfast, you spill coffee on your shirt, you end up stuck in traffic, you workload feels overwhelming, you find people to be increasingly irritating, and you feel like you can’t seem to catch a break.

On the flip side.

It seems the day you intentionally wake-up happy is also the day you decide to fit a morning workout into your schedule, you have a healthy breakfast, you meditate, you take a more scenic route to work, you can’t seem to stop smiling and humming your favourite tune, you score a big account/client, you find opportunities falling into your lap, you feel in-flow with life, and you’ve made best friends with gratitude and abundance.

One of life’s fundamental truths is that the energy you create and exert into the environment is the energy that you will receive. Some call it Karma, others make reference to The Law of Attraction, and Newton’s Third Law of Motion. Simply put; what goes around comes around, and what you put out into the Universe, you get back.

Take this principle and apply it to the aforementioned scenarios, and it truly does pour when it rains, but it’s all about perspective.

Are you singing in the rain, or sulking in the storm?

It’s not by chance that good things seem to happen all at once, as do bad things. And, if you’re someone who believes there’s something to this whole Karma/Law of Attraction/Law of Motion business, then you know that you attract what you exude. What I’ve come to discover, and I believe this is true for many of you, is that when I make a decision to catch a ride on a negative thought or scenario, its friends seem to follow (kinda like when you pluck a grey hair). The same is true for positive thoughts and scenarios.

Spiritual peeps call the result of this phenomenon “manifestation”; meaning your thoughts create your reality. I refer to it by its many titles. Potato Po-tat-o, tomato to-mat-o; the proof is in the pudding.

Recognizing and accepting where you’re at is one thing, but choosing to dwell in that space and that energy for an extended period of time is simply an invitation to receive more of that same energy. Recognizing, honouring, accepting and making a conscious decision around how you wish to move forward (in a productive and proactive manner) gives you the power, and who doesn’t like empowerment.

So! The good stuff. Ready to escape “the suck” and manifest good luck!? Here are some tips on how to make it happen captain:


  1. When you feel yourself slipping into a negative space and mindset, PAUSE, take a deep breath (or a few), acknowledge the thought and/or the place you’re in (don’t ignore it; what you resist persists).
  2. Ask yourself who is having the thoughts. Get this… you’re not your thoughts; they’re clouds passing in the wind.
  3. Make a conscious decision (aloud if you’re feeling bold) not to dwell in that place or take a ride with those negative thoughts (NO THANK YOU!).
  4. Invite more positivity and gratitude into your head and heart. One of my favourite things to do is express the many things I’m grateful for and the things I have to look forward to, in writing or aloud. Oprah helps too.
  5. Remember your thoughts influence your feelings, your feelings influence your actions, and your actions create your reality. YOU ARE THE CREATOR. Own it. Take it back.
  6. If all else fails, crank the tunes to your favourite song, and drop that shit like a hot potato! Who doesn’t love a good solo danceparty. WOOP WOOP!
  7. Remember, this is an exercise and a practice, so you must keep at it.


With Love, Light, and Truth,