Bali 2016


Whether you believe it or not, you’ve been brought here for a reason…

You’re at a crossroads. Life is decent, maybe even good, but you get the sense that something is missing. You’ve reached a moderate level of success, yet you feel like you’ve been going through the motions for a while now, and it’s starting to drain you. You’re attuned to a burning desire for more –  like there’s a dormant reservoir of potential, bubbling, boiling, ready to explode, and waiting to be untapped and unleashed – but you’re not quite sure how to get to it.

You keep buying things you want but don’t necessarily need, in order to feel a sense of richness and significance in your life. You engage in experiences that only fill you up and give you that high and sense of escape you’re craving for about an hour, a day, or a week, but it never lasts. Whether it’s food, alcohol, television, cigarettes, sex, drugs, or cheap thrills, you’ll subconsciously find a way to temporarily feed the insatiable hunger deep within you. You endure Mondays, and you live for Fridays.

You yearn for something – deeper – and you’re not quite sure what that even means or looks like yet; you just know there’s gap, and nothing you seem to do will help ease the persistent emptiness once and for all, despite your best efforts.

Click Here Now To Schedule Your Complimentary Session

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti


As a self-proclaimed “Life-Stylist” & “Miracle Worker”, my life’s mission and purpose is to help you cut the sh*t – out of your life, your business, and your relationships. 

I reveal, speak to, and encourage the repressed truth, power, and authenticity within you – particularly when you can’t see where you’re holding yourself back from leveling-up, or you can’t smell your own bullsh*t (it happens to the best of us). 

And, I do so with an intuitive, sobering, revitalizing, and no-bullsh*t approach – like cold shower, or stiff shot of Whiskey.

Because the ego dominates the majority of our reactive behaviors and decisions as oppose to the heart, which is responsive, I’ll capture your attention by sharing some relevant credentials. I’ve served as a “Miracle Worker” for years, I graduated from PR/Marketing Management/Management, I’ve worked with government professionals and have been contracted by corporations, I’ve shared my wisdom on television and radio, I’ve helped my clients quit bullsh*t jobs, launch businesses and develop personal brands, earn thousands of dollars, discover their life’s purpose, and step into the kind of clarity, courage, and confidence that would turn their friend’s green with envy and curiosity – “Something’s different about you…”

I’ve worked with the employed, the self-employed, the unemployed, and the entrepreneurial – with some success and some stress. They’ve gone on to build authentic businesses, brands, and communities. They’ve created wealth, clients, and life-changing experiences. They’ve left the comfort of their homes and jobs to tackle world-travel, freelancing, and entrepreneurial endeavors. They’ve landed their dreams jobs, and created awesomely-authentic lives.

Here’s the catch – none of that truly mattered compared to the true richness, success, and fulfillment they experienced as a result of the deep work we did together.

In fact, all the external success – the “GOoD life”- came as a result of the internal success, as a sort of icing on the cake.

And, none of MY credentials truly matter; the focus of this experience is YOU, not me.

I am here to serve YOU, and my credentials are simply a byproduct of my life’s mission and purpose – to SERVE YOU.

I prefer to let our time together, and my dedication to your experience speak for itself.

So if you feel even an inch or a pinch of curiosity, keep reading, and I’ll show you how we make magic happen…

“Set aside your unending quest for comfort, and the avoidance of life itself.” – Steve Chandler

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Bali Retreat 2016

The IJGR “Clarity. Courage. Confidence. Cash.” Program  is a unique, personalized experience, designed specifically for “Soul-diers” – brave, bold, and bad-ass individuals.

This experience is for you if…

  • You currently crave fulfillment and a greater sense of meaning and purpose in your life – in addition to some of the fun “stuff” that comes with it.
  • You’re looking for someone to challenge the bullsh*t stories and beliefs you’re telling yourself about why you can’t do what you want to do, have what you want to have or be who you want to be.
  • You’re looking to declutter, optimize, and 80/20 your life.
  • You crave an adventure and experience that stretches you, invites you beyond the limits of your comfort zone, and potentially turns your whole reality upside down and inside out.
  • You value your growth, and you’re aware of the deep power you possess – which you desire to fully express.
  • You’re ambitious, driven, and passionate about life and unapologetically living your life to the fullest.
  • You’re a leader, or future-leader, with a deep desire to create positive change in the world using your wisdom and talent.
  • You’re lacking a degree of clarity within certain areas of your life, and you desire the kind of sobering and compassionate guidance that will help you swiftly cut through all the sh*t once and for all.
  • You crave accountability, you’re comfortable with discomfort (or you’re willing to get comfortable with it), and you embrace being called out on any old stories or limiting beliefs that we see are no longer serving you.
  • You’re willing to invest in yourself, your growth, and your dreams, because you know you’re worth it.
  • You’re committed to doing the work required to create the kind of life, business, and relationships you are worthy of experiencing.
  • You’re ready to stretch, grow, expand, transform, and take OWNERSHIP of your life in ways you haven’t yet.

*Limited spots and bookings available.*

Click Here Now To Schedule Your Complimentary Session

During our time together we’ll…

  • Explore your current reality (the good, the bad, the ugly) and what you aspire to create and move into from this point forward – in your life, relationships, and business/career.
  • Dive deep into your consciousness to discover the real “Why” that drives who you are, what you do, what you desire, and who you’re becoming – because knowing and owning what you TRULY want and WHY you truly want it is the beginning of life as you know it.
  • Reveal and release the emotional blocks (e.g. fear shame, grief, worry, perfectionism, procrastination, complacency, etc).
  • Examine old stories (e.g. childhood, teen years, adolescence, adulthood, I don’t have enough time/money/energy, I’m not creative/confident/clear enough, etc) and create new ones.
  • Explore and transform limiting beliefs and patterns (e.g. I have to ____, work is ____ life is _____, relationships are _____, rejection means ____, failure means ____, comparison traps, perfectionism traps, etc).
  • Co-create, develop, and execute passion projects and income-generating ideas so that you can finally create the kind of wealth required to live, grow, and give in the way you desire.

As the kick-ass personal trainer for your life and success, and a guide for your soul…

I’m dedicated to…

  • Seeking and speaking truth, even when it may be uncomfortable – because you don’t need another people-pleasing “friend” in your life.
  • Seeing your power, beauty, and excellence even when you don’t, and speaking to the highest version of you.
  • Smelling your bullsh*t, even when you can’t, and compassionately exposing it so that you are free to let it go.
  • Holding you accountable, not as your friend, but as someone who honors your potential and is fully invested in your personal, professional, and purposeful advancement.
  • Inviting you to give minor f*cks about minor things, and major f*cks up about major things.
  • Challenging you to show up, step up, speak up, stand out, and honor your “Inner Warrior”.

So… Here we are. You’re here because you’re meant to be here; whether you believe in magic and miracles or not, whether you believe this is for you or not, and whether you believe you’re ready or not. You’re here to do the f*cking work, and I’m here to spot you and guide you, but I won’t do it for you. The change you deeply desire starts with you.

Click Here Now To Schedule Your Complimentary Session

“JCI’s Dressed For Success”


There are TWO first impressions. The second impression is that brilliant personality of yours, but the first is the one people make based on the way you package yourself. Style speaks, and your style is telling a story about you and how you see yourself.

I’ve rebelled against the idea of dressing a certain way to impress our win the good opinions or perceptions of others. But, the reality is that people treat you differently based on what you wear, and what you wear is a reflection of who you are and how you see yourself. The moment I started investing love and attention into my personal style, the world started to take me seriously, I began to carry myself with a strong and playful sense of charm and confidence I hadn’t before, and I quickly became known as the “Style Guy”, the “Fashionista”, and the “Style Guru”.

It was from that point on, people started reaching out to me with opportunities to appear on radio and television, and style ad campaigns, editorials, and fashion shows. I noticed a difference in the way people engaged with me, and the assumptions they made about me before even connecting to me – assuming I was someone significant.

Looking good, feeling good, and living good all go hand-in-hand. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you live good. Good shit starts to happen: new relationships, new opportunities, job promotions, a boost in clients, hot dates, a hotter sex life, deeper intimacy, a thriving personal life. AND, most importantly, more self-love.

Time for a fresh look to compliment your fresh perspective!

Click Here To Schedule Your Style Consultation

“Styl’d 4 Success”

Personal Styling/Image Consulting

“Look BETTER, feel BETTER, live BOLDER.”

Personal Styling/Image Consulting may include the following:

  • Closet Consultation
  • Personal Shopping
  • Style Shoot
  • Headshots and Promotional Shots
  • Promotional Video
  • Soulful Branding Consultation

Click Here To Schedule Your Style Consultation